Archive for April 24th, 2011


keterangan  :
1:  Throttle Motor
2:  Throttle Valve
3:  Accel Pedal position sensor
4:  Throttle position sensor

ETCS-i (Electronic Throttle Control System-intelligent)
ETCS-i adalah sistem yang menggunakan komputer untuk mengontrol bukaan throttle valve secara elektronik.

Bukaan throttle valve konvensional dikontrol langsung dengan kabel dari pedal gas ke throttle valve untuk buka dan tutup. Pada sistem ini, kabel dihilangkan, dan ECU mesin menggunakan motor kontrol throttle untuk mengatur sudut bukaan ke jumlah optimal sebagai respon kepada tingkat diangkatnya pedal gas. Sebagai tambahan, sudut bukaan pedal gas dideteksi oleh accelerator pedal position sensor, dan sudut bukaan throttle valve dideteksi oleh throttle position sensor.

Sistem ETCS-i terdiri dari accelerator pedal position sensor, ECU mesin dan throttle body. Throttle body memiliki throttle valve, motor kontrol throttle, throttle position sensor dan komponen lain.

Sumber :

Paper-thin graphene material is 10 times stronger than steel

Scientists at the University of Technology, Sydney, have developed a composite material based on graphite that is as thin as paper and 10 times stronger than steel.

Supervised by Prof Guoxiu Wang, the researchers developed samples of the so-called Graphene Paper (GP), which they believe has the potential to revolutionise the automotive, aviation and electrical industries.

The GP itself comprises graphene nanosheet stacks of monolayer hexagonal carbon lattices that, when placed in perfectly arranged laminar structures, give them exceptional thermal, electrical and mechanical properties. Continue reading